The 30 Days Project: Day 1

Today’s piece was inspired by the fact that it’s McDoc’s birthday. Can you tell? 🙂

Click play to listen:

Thanks for listening!

9 Responses

  1. Happy birthday to me!

  2. Beautiful, Linda. Of course those are synonyms, but you know that already…still, what a lovely and well-conceived little piece — if you can keep that up for 30 days I’ll ask the godless universe to smite down with sundry natural disasters any and all committee members who don’t rush to sign off on the dissertation.

  3. Wow, that is beautiful! Happy Birthday, Doc!

  4. Happy Birthday to my brother!

    That’s a good plan of action Linda! I love the first birthday piece—very pretty!

    Of course I have subscribed to get the updates as they come, so you know you have me to be accountable to. =) I will look forward to a new piece each day! Good luck!

  5. Not to put any pressure on you, but I’m about to flog your 30 days project to a group of my blog-buddies. 😉

  6. Happy Birthday to McDoc! That’s an exciting way to spend a birthday–but do enjoy cake tomorrow!
    And Linda, we are looking forward to the good sounds.

  7. Linda,

    go for it – I think your project is an excellent approach – maybe I will try practicing every day for 30 days….hmmmm..Happy Birthday Doc, I only met you once, but hopefully we will all meet again. The piece is lovely – your music is always wonderful, get those muscles flexing, the world needs your voice.

    Happiest of (belated) birthdays and WHAT A TRIBUTE… this piece, this project — WOW.

  9. Wow! So happy to have your music in my life once again.
    Best wishes and lots of love

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